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WASH stakeholders in the country convened in Lilongwe for the 2023 National WASH Joint Sector Review (JSR) Meeting.
Celebrated under the theme “Leveraging Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Peace and Well-being” the JSR meeting aimed at tracking progress in the sector in the year 2023 and provide solutions to the challenges the sector continues to face.
Speaking during the official opening of the meeting, Minister of Water and Sanitation, Honourable Abida Sidik Mia, MP said so far the Ministry Of Water and Sanitation – Malawi is finalising the review of the National Sanitation and Hygiene Policy; Water Works Act and that it will soon commence the development of a comprehensive water and sanitation investment plan.
Mia added that the Ministry has also developed a five-year strategic plan which has been aligned with the Malawi 2063 first ten-year Implementation Plan.
In his remarks, Wesnetwork-Water and Environmental Sanitation Network Board Director Chandiwira Chisi said NGOs continue to pledge support towards WASH interventions as they complement the work of the government, and will continue to work closely with government officials and in so doing, they also commit to follow government guidelines, policies and protocols.
JSR meetings are recognised as a bench mark for systemic change. This ensures continued systematic improvements in WASH sector performance, policies, laws and programs in a possible, regularly reviewed, and data evidence based.
Resolutions made at such meetings guide appropriate stakeholders, to determine and implement reforms as necessary. Effective JSR meetings provide relevant mechanism in facilitating evidence-based decision making and identifying the course corrections needed to drive sector progress.