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Wesnetwork-Water and Environmental Sanitation Network on 26th October 2023 joined the Ministry Of Water and Sanitation – Malawi and the nation in commemorating the Global Handwashing Day, a day set aside to advocate for hand hygiene.

Celebrated under the theme ‘Clean hands are within reach’ the day calls for coordinated action as we actively work toward universal hand hygiene.

Minister of Water and Sanitation Honourable Abida Mia, MP graced the occasion which took place at Chilimampunga Ground in Mtandire in Lilongwe City.

In her remarks, she asked various players in the sector to work together in the fight against hygiene related diseases like Cholera.

She said government will do its best to make sure that water is easily accessible for many as clean and safe together with hand hygiene remain key ways of preventing wash related dieases.