265 888-12-3456 info@wesnetwork.org

Benefits for the Members

As a member of WESNET, you are privileged to:

  1. Capacity building activities
  2. Participation and membership of the sector’s global/national platforms and activities, e.g. Donor partners(DP), National Sanitation, and Hygiene Technical Committee (NSHTC), Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) Hub, Technical Working Groups (TWGs)
  3. Enhanced visibility of your organization to a wider sector through our various platforms
  4. Learning and sharing activities/best practices of/to other sector members
  5. Representation on sector platforms through WES Network
  6. Contribute to the country’s policy making and reviewing processes
  7. Join advocacy campaigns that aim to improve the local WASH sector
  8. Work cordially with government and civil servants organizations

Our Members


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Evangelical Lutheran Development Services
Evangelical Lutheran Development Services

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Good Neighbours
Good Neighbours

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Grace Pads
Grace Pads

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Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity

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Plan International
Plan International

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Self Help Africa
Self Help Africa

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Tina Pads
Tina Pads

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Water Aid
Water Aid

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World Vision
World Vision

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